Event details
- Monday | January 4, 2016 to Wednesday | January 6, 2016
- All Day
- Alumni Club Anna University No.1 Boat Club Road R,A, Puram Chennai 600028 Tel: 24322133 / 24322195
Organized by:
IRIS, Commandur Foundation
120, Defence Colony,
Chennai, Tamilnadu – 600032
Duration: January 4,5,6 – 9:00am to 4:30pm
Theme of the Seminar
Autism is neither a disorder nor a disability but a condition experienced by those on the spectrum. It continues to challenge us; both professionals and caregivers alike. What is autism? Is it neurological dysfunction, semantic pragmatic disorder, behaviour disorder, sensory dysfunction, genetic mutation, heavy metal pile up, leaky gut syndrome, gluten/casein allergy playing havoc, or a kind of learning disability? Many hypotheses abound. We have a vast body of research to find out the possible cause and treatment. However we are still groping and searching for a breakthrough. So many questions are unanswered.
How to explain the epidemic like rising incidence – ten times since Leo Kanner’s era? Logically all the other conditions should exhibit a similar trend, whereas now autism is more common than Cerebral palsy and Downs syndrome combined? How do persons on the spectrum dazzle us with their brilliant minds? An incredible savant on the spectrum was evaluated by a multidisciplinary team, the report gave him a mental age of 3 when he was 10 years old. Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell commented that “when hammer is the tool, screw becomes a nail”.
Healing Autism: The Spiritual Dimension is providing you with a paradigm shift, starting from the core outward; from Spirit to mind and body. We have now a growing body of evidence that cannot be ignored. Our guides have been the children themselves, who though not significant in numbers statistically, cannot be discounted. From one bone of a woolly mammoth, scientists conclude that these elephants roamed Siberia.
Healing is different from treating. While treating, the child is considered as the symptom bearer , the doctor or therapist does not undergo any change. The healer participates in the healing process, many children on the autism spectrum are great healers themselves. They tell us they have chosen this powerful tool that is autism to work on the inner engineering. The lesson they teach is “Unconditional Love” and acceptance. We need to evolve teaching methodologies and training program in resonance with this philosophy. The persons on the spectrum have waited for so long, we owe it to them.
At last we have answer to why autism will continue to rise in the future.
We conclude with a poem by Rudolf Steiner that sums up the essence of Autism.
Can become strength for spirit of man
Objective of the Seminar
- How to increase the Joy Quotient in the lives of persons on the spectrum?
- Does non verbal mean non oral? How to utilize the inner speech in communication?
- Can technology be of use to tap the inner potential?
- What are the preparations needed
a) before entering the personal space,
b) Before entering into a dialogue with those on the spectrum? - Time tested healing practices gleaned through ages.
- How to keep higher vibrating children grounded to perform in society.
- How to stay centered?
- How to keep positive /higher vibrations in abundance?
Resource Persons: Tentative list and topics
- Mythily Chari, M.Ed., Ed.S (USA)
- Maj. Gen C.T.Chari, AVSM, PhD.
- Nandini Santhanam, Co-founder Lotus Foundation
- Vijay Kant, Co-founder Lotus Foundation
- Srinivasan Anandan. Technical Support
(Subject to change)
- Chief Guest: Justice Prabha Sridevan (retd.)
- Mythily Chari M.Ed., Ed.S (USA) “Insights into Autism ” based on nearly 30 years of experience.
- Dr. Aboobacker. C.P Key note speaker “Autism Revisited”
Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Retired as civil surgeon from Kerala Government Health Service. Author of “Autism is different” and “Dyslexia Demystified”. He has presented many papers in International forum on science and spirituality. - Dr.Shailesh Pangaonkar MD. Director Central Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Nagpur will give a lecture on “Understanding Autism: Beyond Physical Dimension”.
Dr Pangaonkar will be conducting a workshop in collaboration with IRIS. - Dr. Pekka Kontianen PhD. (Evolutionary Biology) Helisinki, Finland.
Person on the Spectrum, he has trained in martial arts, healing arts, Shiastu, and practiced as a Shiastu therapist. Co founder Divya Rasa, Charitable Trust, Tiruvannamalai
“This Side of Autism- Guiding Principles for Intervention”. - Ms. Thasleem Farzana Co-Founder Divya Rasa Charitable Trust, Experienced yogini, spiritual channeliser who has channeled a number of spiritual poems originating from various siddhas and sages, two from the collection deal specifically with autism. According to her, kids with autism being born in increasing numbers are the messengers and light bearers of the changes leading humanity to New Age. She will present Spiritual and Metaphysical aspect of Project Love, the Residential Project at Tiruvannamalai.
- Dr. P.Jeyachandran director Vijay Human Services will give a lecture and demo on “How to modify Yoga for children with Autism”.
- Dr. Perepa Prithvi PhD, Special Education (UK) Creative Movements to use with people on the Spectrum for developing social skills.
- Kalaimamani O.S. Arun A friend of Autism community, has involved the children in his musical journey. “Teaching Music to Children on the Spectrum.”
- Dr. Partheebhan Kanagasabai Sidha practitioner, director Swabhiman, Palavakakm, Chennai. He will talk on “Holistic Solutions for Autism” followed by a workshop.
- Uma Reiki practitioner “Pranic Healing”
Shiji mother of Chandrakant, is helping 4 more children to communicate using Facilitated Communication, these children have chosen her as their facilitator. - “My role as a facilitator towards savants”
Nirupama Rao Director Niramaya, Mumbai “Obstacles to Healthy Incarnation, with reference to Children with ASD and ADHD” in the light of Anthroposophy. - Ms. Vasanthi Balaji Special educator consultant, has worked with many children with autism in mainstream settings.
Her talk is based on“Living the experience and experiencing the living in Autism”. - Srinivasan Anandan has more than a decade of experience in the IT sector,is a consultant trainer for Digiterati and works with children with autism. He will talk on “Using technology to unleash the potential of children on the spectrum”.
- Ramanand MSW medical social work, now a doctoral research student, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
- Ms. Rajam Shanker
Music Therapy to work with persons with autism. - Ms. Nandini Santhanam and U. Vijaykant Founders Lotus Foundation, special educators, practitioners of unconditional love, freedom and joy.
Teacher Preparedness “ Being and becoming a teacher”. - Shailesh Pangaonkar supported by Mythily Chari
- Dr Partheeban Kanagasabai Workshop Holistic solutions to Autism (tentative)
- John Miller OT, Vidyanjali therapy centre, talk and workshop “Diet and Life’s Rhythms, Rhythms in Movement”
Children who will be honoured
Anudeep, Satwik, Vishal, Bharadwaj, Chandrakant, Hari Ram, Hritik, Aishwarya and Niranjan.
How to Register for: “Healing Autism: The Spiritual Dimension”
For EACH registrant please supply the following information:
Required Registrant Information
Phone Number:
Cellphone Number:
Email Address:
Demand Draft in favour of “Commandur Foundation” for Rs. 2500 per. person.
You may send a single demand draft for multiple registrants.
Mailing Instructions
Please mail registrant information and the demand draft to:
Mythily Chari
120 Defence Colony
Guindy P.O.
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032
Last Date to Receive Payment by Mail
1st December 2015
After this date you can register on the day of the event. The charge for spot registration will be Rs. 3000.
Registration Includes
Informational Handouts, tea, refreshments and lunches.
For More Information/ Questions Contact
Mythily Chari / Cell: 9445190888
C.T.Chari / Cell: 9500040945
Email: mythilyautism@gmail.com